Tuesday 1st of March 2005
Another important issue to mention is superannuation. Progressive supported the development of the new super fund and it has helped to make superannuation more secure. The stronger performance of the New Zealand economy has also been crucial. In the eighties and nineties Governments cut superannuation when they didn’t have enough money. When the budget is under pressure the knives come out. The reason no one talks about super being cut any more is because the economy is doing better. I always thought they were wrong to make superannuitants bear the cost of their economic mismanagement. But it was plain they were doing it to save money.
It’s been five years now since the level of superannuation was immediately increased by this government when it took office by twenty dollars a week. It’s nearing time to look at the issue again. I’m very aware that those on fixed incomes are not fully sharing in the recovery New Zealand is experiencing. That’s not fair to people who can’t change their circumstances.
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