17 January 2006
A new initiative by two finance industry personalities aims to bring industry heavy weights together to discuss how best to tackle issues that face it.
Financial services consultant, Russell Hutchinson and former Financial Planners and Insurance Advisers Association Chief Executive, Phillip Matthews have joined forces in the venture they call Executive Forums.
“The Executive Forum is not just another financial services conference where attendees listen to someone speak” said Hutchinson.
“We want to bring together a small group of top industry players to brainstorm how the industry can best tackle issues and challenges that face it”
“The first Executive Forum will be held in February 2006 and will focus on Kiwisaver and how the financial services industry can make the most of the opportunities it presents,” said Matthews.
“We have assembled a group of individuals that represent a cross section of those who will be involved with or affected by Kiwisaver. Attendees will include representatives of the Ministry Of Economic Development, Inland Revenue and Consumer Affairs, product manufacturers and ISI, consumer representatives, employers and legal experts.”
Hutchinson said they also have several international guests attending the Forum.
“We have two Australian experts in this field joining us as well as a gentleman from the United Kingdom by the name of Nicholas Hillman. Nicholas is a Policy Adviser on the Private Pensions Framework at the Association of British Insurers (ABI) We believe their knowledge and expertise will add greatly to the outcomes of the Forum.”
The first Forum is to be held at Hotel du Vin, south of Auckland on 9 February
The Executive Forum is being sponsored by Fidelity Life, AXA New Zealand, Investmentlink, Chatswood Consulting and Cornwall Capital.
For Further Information contact:
Russell Huthinson 021764606
Phillip Matthews 021 715765
NOTE: Additional information and biographies of the Executive Forum’s international speakers may be obtained by phoning the above contacts.