Sunday 8th of July 2007
Don't Dismantle KiwiSaver To Pay For Tax Cuts For High Income Earners
"KiwiSaver is good news for many workers, and the government and employer
contributions shouldn't be scrapped to help National pay for tax cuts that
deliver the biggest benefits to those on high incomes," CTU secretary Carol
Beaumont said yesterday.
"The main income issue for low and middle income workers is the need for
better wages, and strengthening collective bargaining so that low wages can be
addressed at an industry level by workers and employers. CTU unions are
actively working on that while the National Party is significantly silent."
"There is strong interest in KiwiSaver from workers, and unions are working
hard to make sure their members know about their entitlements and get the best
opportunities to benefit from Kiwisaver."
"Yes there are problems for those on low wages, and the CTU has consistently
argued for easier access for low-income workers into KiwiSaver, and will still
argue for a 2% minimum contribution option."
"The introduction of a 4% employer contribution to workplace savings phased
in over the next 4 years means New Zealand workers can start to catch up with
their Australian colleagues where a 9% employer contribution is required.
This is excellent news for many workers, and we hope it stays."
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2 min read