
A good fight brewing on capital gains tax

Tuesday 5th of July 2011

Boy we are in for a good debate over tax if these reports that Labour plans a capital gains tax on investment comes to fruition.

I’d been thinking about the idea after reading a couple of piece over the weekend.

The themes which are emerging are that this National-led government doesn’t have a clear (or clearly articulated) economic plan. As an aside it is surprising how many National voters I have come across recently who say they won’t vote for the party this election.

It has, to its credit, revealed a plan to raise money by selling state assets to get the economy back into surplus. This too seems to have luke warm support. I wonder what happens in future economic cycles when we get into a hole and no longer have any state assets to sell. What will happen then?

Another option is to raise revenue by changes to the tax system. The most obvious one is a capital gains tax of some form.

Many, without giving it too much thought, will ridicule Labour’s supposed plan. It will be labeled a left wing, tax the successful, politics of envy sort of thing.

But wait a minute. If you explore the web you will find that many on the so-called right are supportive of the idea of a CGT.

So too are the other side.

We covered this issue in the previous election. The Greens and the Maori party supported a CGT.

Even the NZ Property Investors Federation had some sympathy for a CGT as opposed to other tax options targeted at property investors.

It’s also interesting to look at this in the light of changes the National-led government has made. Its changes to tax laws (depreciation and LAQCs) have neutered the capital growth/negatively geared investment strategy used by many property investors.

Now the standard strategy is cash flow positive with income, as opposed to capital gains. Under this scenario a CGT isn’t too bad.

There is some logic to a CGT. It is pretty much standard practice in other Western economies.

Put aside all the bluster and it may transpire that if this is what Labour proposes then it could be called real leadership and vision.

Comments (7)
Andreas Holler
Of course does Mark Ellis pays tax as one should not mix residential investments with commercial. Besides already today if anyone buys a rental property at the end when a sales occur there is a CGT. The proof of evidence with IRD at present are already today very stringent. If a property has been used for family purpose and this cannot be proofed otherwise sufficiently to IRD there is a resulting CGT. <br />The other issue that is rising in this debate who is actually paying in the end and is an additional tax with all its auxiliary running cost actually generating an income for the government. The reality is that taxes or any costs already are rolled over to the tenant either for residential or commercial. Lets focus on the real issues: rising health cost - why? rising transportation and energy costs -why? and how can we reduce them dramatically by having a healthier society by eating the right food and building the right homes who actually not waste energy but produce energy - that is where the savings are generated but not on a group of barely 200'000 NZ citizens.
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13 years ago

Kerry Tomlin
and I guess the person who wrote the above article is a residential property investor? <br />and Mark Ellis pays CGT on his $18 million?
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13 years ago

Andreas Holler
The CGT is a tax that has been discussed for many decades now and has not come to fruition. One of the reason is that the actual government pension pay out once somebody retires is far to little to be able to survive under normal circumstances. <br />This is why the real estate industry is existing or fueled by in NZ the way it works at present. The NZ government Kiwi Saver scheme has gone aground almost as typically NZ governments are fiddling with it. Confidence is decreasing and people are looking for other savings/investment models. Brick and mortar has proofed to be excellent seen the stats over the last 60 years and shows secure return. This labor pre election stir up is a "looking for sentiment" in the electorate as any party is trying to find out what topic could be a winner in the coming election. Unfortunately National is at present in the middle to sort out a already not functioning economy and of course it always easier when one is not in power to attack the horse which is stuck in the mud. The reality is that we all have to save and make somehow provisions for the retirement. A good government would applaud business entrepreneurship and support such action as essentially these are the people who are not feeding of ones back. The other reality is that our living costs are far too high and for many the reality is paying off bad credit. Saving for the bad days is a old tradition and has always paid dividends. One would already save lots of money by using the right priorities rather than buy always the wrong gadgets who do not appreciate value. Investing in conservative value increasing models is a strategy that has shown value over time. Unfortunately today's investors want to see value in a short time and with high returns, what usually is a risky business and ends in crashes which our world wide financial system has shown to all of us. We need to get back to basics and use what has proofed to work rather than trying things which are only based on a vogue short term fashion model.
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13 years ago

Andy Phillipson
There are only two choices for home ownership - renting or owning. Many people do not want to or cannot buy their own home. Someone has to buy the house for them and let them use it for an agreed fee (Rent). There are only 2 options for this landlordship - Government (public) ownership or private ownership. The bottom line is that to save money the Government needs to move away from capital investment in housing for the poor. Therefore initiatives were put in place to get private investors to fund the housing stock - not only for HCNZ, but the whole economy. SOMEONE HAS TO OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT PEOPLE CHOOSE TO RENT. What is the point then of making this an uneconomic investment for them? There needs to be an incentive for people to purchase rental properties for the tenants. This investment is a long term investment. Taking into account inflation, improvements in the property, shifting locality popularity and opportunity costs will become a difficult and inequitable calculation. <br />There is already a tax on properties bought and sold as a course of business - on developers. This works well. There is no fit purpose to penalise the long term investor. As mentioned above - would Marc Ellis get taxed? And secondly - will that mean that a loss on a property will attract a tax loss? <br /> <br />I suggest a better alternative would be a tax on the profits made on the sale of a house purchased within 12 months (as is already in place). <br /> <br />To tax the capital gain on one investment property will prevent the investor from purchasing their next rental property, or they will not be able to trade up. <br /> <br />A capital gains tax on property will have a very negative consequence on the economy long term, and will cause more poverty than it cures. I can see that any tax gains from it will be spent on covering the increased welfare and administration costs.
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13 years ago

Kerry Tomlin
I was not aware that Mark Ellis would pay tax on the sale of his shares. Why should you not mix residential with commercial. <br />The great hue &amp; cry recently resulting in changing tax laws re depreciation etc has resulted in lack of rental accomodation resulting in increased rents and people looking at buying their first home rather than renting as rents are too expensive. Resulting in lack of listings and increased sale prices.
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13 years ago

Kritzo Venter
The rest of the world have had CGT since before the previous boom, and property investment is still as lucrative as ever in these countries. House values will rise to compensate for the additional 15%. It's almost like paying 15% GST on everything else. It will only penalise the speculators, whose not being taxed that hard at the moment anyway. <br /> <br />CGT is a good concept, and excellent revenue in a time where we need more sustainable sources of national income.
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13 years ago

Patrick Rankin
If the PRESENT Govt. choose to reduce its state housing capacity whilst the percentage of renters in the population is increasing and introduce a CGT, we need to carefully consider the group within the population that will benefit, will it be the general population that voted such wise men to their public office? Did not think so. Well I guess Joe the plumber gets it in the gut again!! But then we get the Govt. we deserve dont we?
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13 years ago

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