Adviser numbers could drop 50%: Moore
Marketing expert Mike Moore, who helps advisers to buy and sell books of business, said about half the advice industry would decide they could not be bothered with the new rules being introduced by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill.
In the short-term they might go to work under the care of another provider with a licence, he said, but that would not be a long-term solution.
“It’s a bigger issue than we are giving it credit for.”
He said all the focus had been on the benefits to clients that would come out of a higher-skilled workforce.
But he said half of the existing clients in the market wouldn’t be able to find an adviser to take them on at all, as the liability made it not worthwhile.
But Fred Dodds, chief executive of the IFA, said that was an “uneducated guess”. The Financial Markets Authority had indicated there would be ways for small advice businesses to remain compliant.
Advisers might be worried at the prospect of having to navigate new licensing, competence and disclosure requirements, he said.
But he said it would make economic sense for advisers to stick in the industry earning money rather than to try to sell their books of business.
“If you’ve got $100,000 in revenue and you think it’s all to tough and decide to sell for $400,000 then put that money int he bank you might get $12,000 a year. Compare that to picking up a textbook and doing the study to keep that $100,000. Let’s not give up on advisers who might not be educated but are perfectly competent.”
Rod Severn, chief executive of the PAA, said there would be some attrition, but not 50%.
“Part of the problem is some of the untruths that are being spread around to try and get some of the smaller operators to join aggregation groups who will act as a FAP in the future. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the idea I think some of the information being touted is incorrect and designed to make the lone adviser think he/she cannot afford to remain alone. Whilst we have had John Botica and Derek Grantham ensuring members that is not the case, time will tell who wins the verbal contest.”