Annoying taxes lurk in house deals - Mary Holm
Sunday 18th of April 2004
No rocket science in that, but where both central and local governments are looking for taxation sources that are relatively voter friendly, people should be aware of probable increasing interest in property investment by the IRD.
The article in the property investment section of the Herald of March 20-21 is worth reinforcing to your readers.
A. Indeed it is. The article was written by Simpson Grierson partner Stuart Hutchinson and senior associate Paul Windeatt, and I've since clarified a few points with Windeatt.
They answered a letter from a reader, who said the IRD had warned investors, last October, that if they bought real estate to sell for a quick profit the gain would be taxable.
"What if I buy one or more properties for long-term rental purposes and occasionally buy a property for quick sale?" asked the reader. "Will I be taxable on any (capital) gain on the eventual resale of any of the long-term rental properties?"
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No rocket science in that, but where both central and local governments are looking for taxation sources that are relatively voter friendly, people should be aware of probable increasing interest in property investment by the IRD.
The article in the property investment section of the Herald of March 20-21 is worth reinforcing to your readers.
A. Indeed it is. The article was written by Simpson Grierson partner Stuart Hutchinson and senior associate Paul Windeatt, and I've since clarified a few points with Windeatt.
They answered a letter from a reader, who said the IRD had warned investors, last October, that if they bought real estate to sell for a quick profit the gain would be taxable.
"What if I buy one or more properties for long-term rental purposes and occasionally buy a property for quick sale?" asked the reader. "Will I be taxable on any (capital) gain on the eventual resale of any of the long-term rental properties?"
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