Do the Nat agree on Super?
One of the highlights of last week's Super Conference was the unequivocal speech from National Party finance spokesman Bill English.
However, I wonder if it will be a low point for him?
Why? Well English made it absolutely clear that compulsory superannuation was off the agenda. It just wasn't an option, he said.
What surprised me was that at the previous conference less than six months ago National's then finance spokesman and now leader, John Key, and Labour's Shane Jones, who chairs the finance and expenditure select committee (FEC), gave a completely different story.
These two men seemed to have a bit in common, and it was clear that FEC was working quite constructively, as opposed to being split down party lines.
Key and Jones indicated compulsory super was becoming more attractive.
Their view could be summed up by the comment that politicians were keen to go down this track, they just wanted to know how to do it.
Well that ain't what English said last week. When I quizzed him on this, recounting the Key and Jones's comments, he said, simply, things have moved on since then.
I wonder - and I do hear a rumour - that maybe it will be Mr English who will be moving on….to a new role.
Maybe Michael Cullen has been right with his suggestions that English and Key are out of step with each other?