Regulator on the road: From Balclutha
Friday 25th of February 2011
Understandably the mood was subdued at the first roadshow event as advisers were thinking of those in Christchurch, including advisers they know, who face unimaginable challenges. Some may still be missing. People asked about what the Commission can do for Christchurch advisers so it was good to be able to let them know we'll be sympathetic to personal situations of difficulty. Please see our website for the official notice.
I was impressed by all those who drove from Dunedin and Invercargill to attend. It was a full room of advisers, and not just IFA members either.
The group included three AFAs keen to stay on top of regulatory updates and collect the CPD credits - a great display of professionalism - which reinforced for me the continuing value of professional bodies in helping advisers to reach higher.
We talked about the 31 March application deadline and I reminded those who will be AFAs in Qualifying Financial Entities (QFEs) that they don't need their QFE registration number to lodge their application. I also stressed that by having their application we can be working on it in parallel to them finishing off their competency assessments.
Two in the room had passed Set C so it was great for others having to do it to hear their stories and get a few tips. One recommendation was to engage with an assessor early because they can help you to get through. Assessors are not trying to catch people out.
I wish circumstances were different and that we could be running our Christchurch session as originally planned today.
Back in the office before going to Nelson on Monday. AFA numbers are now up to 118.
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