The advisers' CEO moves on
Tuesday 8th of March 2011
It is sad to report that Ralph Stewart is leaving AXA – but little surprise really.
Ralph has been at AXA for nine years now and seen the company through a lot of change. Late last year when we were asking people who they considered as being the most influential people in the industry over the past 12 months Stewart’s name came up.
The comment made was that he “moved AXA into the independent market and released the aligned advisers from their shackles.”
Stewart’s history in the financial services industry is a good tale and one based in adviser land. He started off with a long departed firm Jardine Fleming in a BDM role, worked at TOWER and moved up the ranks there. While he was there he went off to Manchester to do his MBA and ended up running AXA.
Stewart could be called an advisers' CEO. While he is running a pretty big ship he also spent plenty of time with advisers, visiting them, talking to them and listening to what’s going on.
This is a vital skill when your business relies on advisers to sell your products.
As I say it is little surprise he is leaving when the merger takes place. A number of reasons come to mind but one is the combined AMP/AXA business has a different management culture to what AXA had.
It is going to be interesting to see how it rolls out and that it is successful.
Ralph tells me he has no plans at present but hopes to find a new role in the industry. We hope he does.
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