Chubb extends
Following your overwhelming feedback on the success of our recent campaign offerings, we’ve decided to extend the 2 months’ FREE and Multi-benefit discount campaigns until the end of the year.
To understand how these campaigns can benefit both you and your customers, simply arrange to meet your Business Partnership Manager to work through the numbers.
The 2 months’ FREE offer coupled with other benefits, such as our 10% Lifetime Reward can make a significant difference to your customers’ annual premiums.
It’s our priority to help New Zealanders get the protection they need, especially during tough economic times, so we encourage you to use these campaigns to drive your customer conversations.
Thank you to everyone who attended our recent webinar with the economist Cameron Bagrie. I personally found it fascinating and while he talked through some of the challenges we have ahead, it was reassuring to hear that there are opportunities for businesses to get ahead and sectors that are primed for growth in the next 12-18 months. Stay tuned for Cameron’s next Chubb Life update.
Thank you for your continued partnership. Remember we’re always here to help, please contact your Business Partnership Manager if you have any questions.