Clients wait longer for income payouts
Russell Hutchinson, of Quality Product Research, which runs QuoteMonster, said it had been noticeable for the past couple of years that fewer people were taking four-week wait periods and most opted for 13.
“It reduces the cost quite a lot. It’s the most significant thing in terms of cost reduction that you can do with income protection, short of reducing the benefit term.”
It worked for clients who had a financial buffer, he said. Many could get through 13 weeks with a combination of sick leave and emergency funds.
About 40% of quotes were done on the basis of a 13-week wait, he said.
While income protection rates were steady, more people were opting for mortgage protection products, Hutchinson said. These are often used as a base level of cover for expenses, and topped up with income protection, because mortgage cover is not offset by ACC.
That top-up model was good from an advice perspective, too, he said, because if a client decided they could no longer afford the full cover, the could drop back to just the mortgage protection.
There was 40% more mortgage protection cover quoted in 2017 than in 2016, Hutchinson said. “We’re routinely seeing over 1200 cases quoted a month. The average annual premium quoted for income protection is just over $1600 per year, for mortgage protection that figure is just over $800 per year.”
It was still only quoted half as much as health insurance and a third as much as trauma insurance, he said.
“Which is reflected in the level of ownership in society as a whole – which is low. Yet in figures provided to us by consulting actuaries, we’re told that in a typical working life one in four couples will experience a period of six months or more during which a person is unable to work due to disability.”