Adviserlink Learning Courses
Investment Planning
5-6 December Auckland
Investment Planning builds upon Fundamentals of Investment and explores in greater detail the theoretical and practical concepts behind investing, including financial statements, portfolio theory and international investments.
Who should attend this course?
- Are you currently or intending to become a specialist investment adviser
- Are you interested in portfolio construction and the operation of the investment markets
- Are you a financial planner, investment adviser, plan writer, paraplanner
Pre requisite/s: Open entry, however, learners must successfully achieved competency in the learning outcomes and competency elements contained in or equivalent to the Fundamentals of Investment component.
- Applying an understanding of risk to portfolio construction
- Portfolio theory and efficient market theory
- Investment styles and strategies
- Research data and their application
- Analysing company performance and ratios
- Investment products including international investments
- Constructing portfolios and comprehensive investment plans
Course type: 2 day facilitated course or distance learning
Cost of course: $600 or $450 for distance learning (incl GST)
CPD/CE Credits: 10 CDP Credits (Technical)
Challenge assessment:For recognition of current competence - available on application. Please contact us