IFA Roadshow
Friday 23rd of March 2007
The core of the IFA Roadshow will be:
- A brief overview of regulatory changes expected over the next two years.
- Securities law changes including:
- New disclosure rules - we will provide guidelines and a draft template for disclosure.
- The somewhat scary rules on advertising.
- IFA's new Code of Ethics and Practice Standards which come into effect on 1 August 2007. The approach taken will be to use "real life" practical case studies and discussion rather than presentations. There will also be written material as a "take away" including a cross reference from the existing to the new code and vice versa.
- Draft new Constitution - a chance to have your say.
- Proposed changes to Continuing Professional Development - again have your say.
- Plus an outside speaker on a relevant topic.
(7:30am - 11:30am) Registrations out shortly
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