Industry Workshop - Implementation of PIE Tax Regime
It is clear that the industry would gain from:
- Clarification of definitions and specifications by IRD.
- Development of industry guidelines and protocols.
ISI is holding an industry workshop on Tuesday 13th February, in Wellington, from 9.15am to 1.00pm to discuss these issues.
Venue: Duxton Chambers 1, Duxton Hotel, Wakefield Street.
Access by lift from James Smiths Carpark. Go to Level 8.
Workshop Objectives
- To identify the various issues that need to be addressed to IRD (TOII team) for comment, explanation and/or improved definition; those that will require remedial legislation and those that can be dealt with by industry guidelines.
- To identify the options available for resolution and, to the extent possible, the preferred industry outcome.
It is expected that achieving industry clarity on the issues will assist Officials to appreciate the importance and most suitable options for solutions.
The workshop will prepare a list of issues for consideration and possible reply/response at the IRD Forum planned for 19 February.
Who Should Attend?
- Taxation Managers
- Accountants
- Systems managers
- Product development managers
- Trustees
The invitation is open to all industry participants and chartered accounting firms. [Proposals for future engagement with Officials and regulators will be discussed at the workshop.]
Please register for a form at ISI
Fax: 04 471 1881, Ph: 04 473 8730.
Early expressions of interest will assist planning.
Numbers for attendees will be limited so early registration is encouraged.
All registrations will receive a pack containing an outline of the issues identified by ISI to date and include possible options for discussion.
A presenter will be allocated lead discussion on each issue.