Saving and Retirement: new perspectives
The Office of the Retirement Commissioner, in association with Treasury and the Institute of Policy Studies (VUW) is bringing together a number of international and New Zealand experts to share new ideas and information on these important issues.
The Symposium Chair will be Professor Gary Hawke, Victoria University of Wellington, and speakers include:
- Lessons from Abroad John Rust, Professor of Economics, Yale University
- The Standard of Living of Retired New Zealanders Associate Professor Peter Travers, Flinders University
- Tax Incentives for Private Savings Dr David Knox, Director, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Actuarial, Melbourne
The symposium is suitable for people in the financial services industry, economists, academics, politicians, political advisers, policy workers, journalists, voluntary organisations, students and commentators.
To be held on Friday 13 July, 8.30am - 3.00pm (lunch provided) at:
- Victoria University of Wellington Law
- Lecture Theatre 1
- Old Government Building Annexe
- Corner Lambton Quay and Whitmore St
- Wellington
- Lecture Theatre 1
Registrations can be made online by downloading the pdf file with attached registration form.