Fidelity Life launches new-look claims content
Fidelity Life has unveiled a new suite of plain English claims content designed to boost customers’ understanding of the claims process, and ultimately help more New Zealanders understand the benefits of insurance protection.
Fidelity Life chief customer officer Peter Doherty says the new material is grounded in extensive research and testing with both existing and potential customers.
“Being customer led is a key strategic priority for Fidelity Life. What this really means is everything we do is based on a deep understanding of our customers’ motivations and needs – as well as their frustrations.”
Fidelity Life’s research found understanding the claims experience is an integral part of a customer’s journey, whether they’re thinking about buying life insurance or about to make a claim.
At the heart of the new content is Fidelity Life’s claims promise, which sets out the standards of care customers can expect at each and every interaction during their claim.
Other useful content includes a step by step guide to making a claim, information on the most commonly claimed conditions and why not all claims are accepted, and videos with real customers sharing their claims stories.
“This new material, written in plain English, aims to give customers clarity on what they can expect when it comes to making a claim, and provide reassurance that we’ll support them during this often stressful time”, Doherty says.
Fidelity also has a new content initiative: Insurance 101.
Insurance 101 is a plain English series of blog-style articles and video content. Fidelity Life’s website also includes a tool to help people better understand what insurance may be relevant for them and providing an option to talk to a financial adviser.
“Our customer-led transformation aims to reimagine life insurance and shift the dial on New Zealand’s under-insurance problem,” Doherty says.
“Demystifying life insurance through initiatives like this new content removes barriers, boosts trust and ultimately helps more New Zealanders understand the benefits of protecting what’s most important to them.”