Fisher Funds fixed income manager departs
Quin Casey has taken the role of acting head of fixed income.
He describes, in a LinkedIn post, that it has been "a wonderful stint."
"I can still remember sitting down at my desk for the first time, confronted with a blank spreadsheet steering back at me and just $7 million of fixed income assets to manage. But with a big hairy audacious goal firmly embedded in my mind.
"I leave behind a team of simply brilliant investment professionals (and wonderful human beings) who together manage over $10 billion of global fixed income assets on behalf of more than 500,000 New Zealanders.
"But as I reflect on my time at Fisher Funds, it’s not the size of the business we've built or the number of trophies in the cabinet that matters most. It is the priceless friendships I have formed with so many incredible colleagues, clients, and counterparts."
He says it is "absolutely right to take on the next big thing in my life."
While he has not disclosed his plans he registered a company called Papakura Capital Partners earlier this year.
McLeish made headlines earlier this year when it was revealed he was the fund manager involved in an assault case. He was found not guilty.