Hot air bubbles
Thursday 23rd of June 2011
New Zealand would have an untapped source of energy if we had the ability to harness the hot air that’s permeating the insurance industry. That’s if the comments arising from the article “Changing channels” (Good Returns June 3) are anything to go by.
It couldn’t be labelled “clean energy” though, because the public scrapping generating it is masking a dirty little war for territory that has engaged the industry for far too long.
Nor could it be called sustainable, because the spectators, aka consumers, are going to wonder if their needs are really being managed or if it is more about their adviser’s needs and wants.
The sector’s unabated introspection is getting in the way of delivering better service to consumers. It’s time for the sector to reconsider its reason for being. It needs to be collaborative in terms of its value proposition for people.
Don’t count on regulation to be the panacea of the sector’s woes, or the public’s desire for improved confidence.
Competitors first should take a customer focused attitude and then their differentiated offerings to the marketplace. Attitude is everything. It’s time the hot air bubbles burst.
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2 min read