How's your bank?
Friday 9th of November 2012
This year we would like to get feedback from property investors on their banks, and your thoughts on what is important from your bank.
You can use this link to complete a short survey
And for those who complete it (and provide their details) we will send you a copy of the magazine with this article in it.
Yes, I want to take the survey
Comments (1)
Gerald Taylor
Not for me to defend/promote banks at all, but we were originally with National/ANZ, moved to ASB and now back to ANZ with excellent rates. As an investor, I'm somewhat surprised that banks still don't seem to guard their current cliental very well - they're excellent at chasing and wooing customers from other banks, but it seems to me customers get forgotten after that. Investors need to be on the ball and look for better offerings themselves, and also should not be scared to move banks - its not that hard these days.
12 years ago