Incorrect loan offers sent to thousands
Sunday 2nd of May 2004
It is also assuring customers the mistake has no security implications.
Bank spokesman Owen Gill said 7390 customers had received pre-approved loan offers which should have been sent to someone else.
The problem had been traced to the operation which printed the bank's marketing material, where a machine had put the promotion information with the wrong envelopes, he said.
As well as telling someone else who the intended recipient banked with and that they were being made the offer, some of the letters also included the account base numbers for the people supposed to receive the offers.
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Bank spokesman Owen Gill said 7390 customers had received pre-approved loan offers which should have been sent to someone else.
The problem had been traced to the operation which printed the bank's marketing material, where a machine had put the promotion information with the wrong envelopes, he said.
As well as telling someone else who the intended recipient banked with and that they were being made the offer, some of the letters also included the account base numbers for the people supposed to receive the offers.
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