Tip from the top
As an advisor, one of the most important aspects of being a successful practitioner is the ability to run a successful business. We might have all the technical abilities to give great client advice, but if we do not know how to structure a business, we will ultimately fail in this industry.
Every year, I make a point to spend a day in another advisor’s office to see how they run their business. By doing this, I see how things can be done differently (more effectively, cheaper, etc.), and I usually pick up one or two items to incorporate into my own practice. I find that if I continually do this year after year, I’m able to learn new ways to improve my practice from some of the brightest people in our industry. You’ll find most successful advisors are happy to spend the time with you as they also learn how you run your practice, and this helps them with their business.
Clay Gillespie, CFP, CIM, a 12-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table and nine Top of the Table honors from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.