
Asteron to push level premium policies

Friday 12th of July 2013

Asteron managing director David Carter says lapses and unprofitable policies  are a huge problem for the insurance industry.

According to his numbers, a 1% increase in lapse rates means premiums have to go up 5% to compensate for the loss of business.

Lapse rates have been rising and this is partly due to affordability and, to some extent, adviser behavior.

For a life company there is a significant impact as so many of the costs are incurred in getting the business on the books and it takes years until a policy is profitable. These costs include commission, underwriting and other business expenses.

Carter says the most expensive lapses are policies which have been on the books for a long time, such as 15 years, and get cancelled for economic reasons.

But for policies that are between three and five years old, lapses are sometimes because potential increases in premiums have not been clearly explained. The other common reason is churn.

Carter says there is a small number of advisers who are “proactively reviewing business, with good intent or not, and that business is moving around”.

One of the worrying things, he says, is that policyholders are cancelling their policies around the time they are likely to make a claim.

Carter says level premium policies will make insurance more affordable for policyholders and  there are also benefits for advisers building their businesses.

Level premium policies tend to stay in force longer than stepped premium ones.

He produced a graph at the company’s Auckland roadshow that showed if a policyholder took out a level premium policy rather than stepped premium they would save 60% in premium costs.

Currently around 20% of Asteron’s book is in-force level premium business. Carter says it will take time to change this, but he would like to see level premium business grow to 50% of new applications annually within a couple of years’ time.

Carter says the move away from stepped to level premium is “a more sustainable model” for insurance, including life companies, advisers and policyholders.

Comments (7)
David Whyte
Snoop - I ain't no actuary so could you please explain why level premium business is more difficult to price and reserve for than YRT?
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11 years ago

David Whyte
Bestwoman - just for clarification - the level life premiums ARE guaranteed, YRT Life premiums are not? And neither the level nor the YRT premiums for Trauma, TPD, and DI guaranteed?
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11 years ago

Mike King
@bestwoman - well stated. It is also my view that guaranteed level life premiums are the only ones that make sense (due to the guarantee, while 10 year level (annually reviewable) premiums for trauma have, at least to date, been very stable. If a level trauma premium was to leap significantly, we have the option of reverting to YRT on that benefit.
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11 years ago

Regan Thomas
Yes but are we jumping the gun? Was bestwoman at the roadshow? Will Asteron come up with something properly level as they pursue growth in that area? New stuff not out until the end of july after all....
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11 years ago

David Whyte
@Snoop - 1. Same pricing risk if you guarantee YRT rates? 2. Why are YRT contracts any less sensitive to interest rates? 3. Capital requirements from life company driven by a number of factors such as reinsurance arrangements and retention levels. Why are overall capital requirements higher than YRT? 4. YRT lapse rates significant increase at 60+ ages causing dramatic increases in lapse (except for sub-standard lives) across portfolio due to affordability issues, and perceived lack of need to protect dependents.. Sorry - still can't see the negative for a well-capitalised life office like Asteron. Level premium may not sweep the market, but in the appropriate client circumstances, level is as valid and usable as YRT.
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11 years ago

David Whyte
Hi Bestwoman & Snoop, Yes, I was referring to level Guaranteed, and, Snoop I was merely looking to compare the two options on a broadly equal basis from a client perspective. It seemed to me that guaranteed level rates were being compared unfavourably with non-guaranteed YRT rates - which, as you rightly point out, are seldom guaranteed. Accept pts 2 & 3, thanks for the clarification. I still don't think this is a major issue for Asteron - but I could, of course, be wrong (this has happened!). Level guaranteed still has a place in the appropriate circumstances. Kev - thanks for the point of reference re National.
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11 years ago

Broker Broker
1/ How often is a client going to need the same level of life cover now as they do in 15-20 years time if the main purpose for the life cover is to cover mortgage debt? 2/ The increased cost of level life premiums usually means something has to give in the risk package. Often I see clients with level life cover but no disability products. I prefer to see clients with a range of risks covered. 3/ National Bank in the 90's perfect example. 4/ It should all be about what's best for the client not about whether it suits the insurer or adviser's business models.
0 0
11 years ago

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