Changing channels
Mehernosh Kotwal says the group is guided by one question, "What would I want from a group that's earning 20, 30% off me, what do I want them to do for me?"
Using that question he has launched the new group with the aim of taking on rivals such as Newpark and TNP head on.
"I would like to make us the biggest group in New Zealand. That is what my goal is," he said.
Kotwal believes his new group will be enticing for advisers as he aims to offer more, and charge less than the other groups.
"The difference compared to other groups is all they do is charge advisers for everything. I'm putting the money back with the brokers, reinvesting it back with them."
"For example, I give members free application processing."
As well as free application processing, The Advisor Channel offers member advisers pre-qualified leads (once the adviser writes $10,000 worth of business), telephone answering services, Business Development Credits, a free Professional Compliance Audit conducted by Barry Read (once $30,000 worth of business has been written), marketing programmes to generate leads and access to a website with personalised pages to promote each member.
Kotwal is critical of some of the other groups, especially around charging for leads.
"Why does a broker need to pay me for leads because if he or she writes business I'm earning anyway."
He says a point of differentiation is that The Advisor Channel won't be charging fees for application processing and providing phone answering services.
"What we're saying is work with us and we'll be giving something back to you."
Kotwal says he may limit the number of advisers who can join the group to ensure that it can continually give good service.