Liberty Group aligns with TNP
Liberty Group chairman Cam Bailey says the industry has changed dramatically since the early 90s and the speed of change has accelerated in the last five years.
"The fact that Liberty, the longest serving producer group, is expanding its relationships is part of that change - it's the evolution of the business."
He says Liberty carefully considered its position and felt that aligning with TNP would enhance benefits for members because of TNP's critical mass. Liberty members voted unanimously to align with TNP.
Bailey says one of the benefits for Liberty members will be meeting more of their peers.
"It's important that members are not introspective and that they understand the broader developments in the industry."
TNP managing director Jeff Page says TNP had been in discussions with Liberty Group for 12 months and he believes the alignment is a very good fit for both organisations.
"The members of Liberty that have been around for a long time, they're very good advisers, they've got a lot of skill and a lot of knowledge which TNP will be tapping into."
Liberty was formed in 1988 and is the longest serving producer group with 20 members throughout New Zealand.
TNP has 360 members and this now makes them the largest Dealer Group in New Zealand.