
Newpark provides leads for members

Tuesday 28th of September 2010

Darren Gannon, managing director of Newpark, says this exclusive contract will be national and is expected to generate in excess of $7 million dollars worth of new risk annual premium income (API).

He is not releasing the name of the company as it is "commercially sensitive" information but says the company has expertise in the financial services market.

Gannon says as Newpark winds up its role in helping advisers with the education pathway, its focus will now turn to adviser productivity and new sales with its preferred product partners.

"This is an exciting initiative for members and addresses the number one issue for advisers - to generate more activity and increased production."

Newpark general manager Barry Read says a newsletter was sent out to members recently about the initiative and it had a great response with 85 advisers immediately registering interest out of its membership of just under 300.

A trial of pre-qualified leads has been happening for the past six weeks and it has been better than expected, according to Read.

From October Newpark will be signing members up to the new programme.

Gannon says this is a $1 million commitment that will help advisers stay at the forefront of the risk market.

He believes the initiative is something positive for risk advisers who have had a tough year and want to get back to some positive initiatives.



Comments (3)
Mike King
Yeah, it sure has been tough out there, hasn't it? No, not for me...but then I rework and rework my existing clients for new business AND referrals. I've been down the track of paying for someone else to do the spade work (more than once!) and it has usually ended in pain - expensive pain, at that. Even if Newpark is doing this at no cost to the adviser, it is still likely to be pain-inducing. Good luck, guys.
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14 years ago

Geoff Peterson
Great to see a Leader in the market place putting their members interests at the fore front. Well done.
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14 years ago

Mike King
Warren - you may imagine what you will. If you are doing the review and servicing properly, rather than just raking in your renewals, you'd be stunned at how much new (NEW!) business a good client base can deliver.
0 0
14 years ago

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