Warren Buffett backs Partners Life
Partners Life has added Berkshire Hathaway and PartnerRe as retrocessionnaires to the SCOR reinsurance treaty.
The introduction of Berkshire Hathaway and PartnerRe further increases SCOR’s capacity to provide the reinsurance requirements for Partners Life’s rapidly growing business well into the future, whilst continuing the very close relationship Partners Life has always had with SCOR.
SCOR has been Partners Life reinsurance partner since inception in 2010, supporting its development as New Zealand’s fastest growing life business, providing fresh and innovative solutions for the financial and insurance needs of New Zealanders. This partnership has been highly successful, reflecting the strong relationship between the two teams.
“We are very pleased to welcome these two substantial partners as supporters of our reinsurance treaty with SCOR”, says Naomi Ballantyne, Managing Director of Partners Life. “This arrangement further increases our reinsurance capacity, which is important given our unprecedented growth since inception only two years ago and our expected continued growth into the future. At the same time it allows us to maintain our key relationship with SCOR, who remain our principal treaty partner. ”
Sean Kam, Chief Financial Officer of Partners Life says “the introduction of Berkshire Hathaway and PartnerRe into the SCOR treaty is a testament to the substantial company Partners Life has become in a very short period of time and the international reputation in the insurance industry of the Partners Life management team”.
“To have three of the most substantial global reinsurance companies working collectively to provide us with reinsurance support, allows us to focus firmly on our future, which we are very excited about.”
Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance (Ireland) Limited, domiciled in Dublin, is the European life reinsurance vehicle of the Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group which in turn is part of the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Group of companies run by Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett.
Berkshire Hathaway and its subsidiaries engage in diverse business activities including insurance and reinsurance, utilities and energy, freight rail transportation, finance, manufacturing, retailing and services.
The insurance business activities of Berkshire Hathaway are conducted through approximately 70 domestic and internationally-based insurance and reinsurance companies. These businesses provide property and casualty insurance in the United States as well as property and casualty, life, accident and health reinsurance globally. Berkshire Hathaway is renowned for the exceptionally high overall levels of capital held in its insurance companies.
Partner Reinsurance SE is the European reinsurance subsidiary of PartnerRe, domiciled in Dublin.
PartnerRe is a leading global reinsurer with the capital and the capabilities in virtually every risk class and every geographic region to offer secure, customized solutions, responsive to its clients’ needs. For the year ended December 31, 2012, total revenues were $5.6 billion. At June 30, 2013, total assets were $22.6 billion, total capital was $7.2 billion and total shareholders’ equity attributable to PartnerRe was $6.4 billion. PartnerRe has Financial Strength Ratings of A+ (A.M. Best and Standard & Poors), A1 (Moody’s) and AA- (Fitch).
A top-five global reinsurer, SCOR has a balanced business model, with three powerful engines: SCOR Global Life (Life reinsurance), SCOR Global P&C (Non-Life reinsurance) and SCOR Global Investments (asset management). With premium income of over 13 billion USD expected in 2013, SCOR continues to reinforce its position as a leading global reinsurer and the added value it brings to its clients through its 37 offices worldwide. SCOR has total assets of $24 billion USD, and Financial Strength Ratings of A+ (Standard & Poors, Fitch and AM Best Issuer Credit) and A1 (Moody’s). The business is optimally positioned to offer innovative solutions, focusing on long term partnerships with clients, through its strong local operations supported by global centres of excellence.