IRD confirms KiwiSaver dates
Both forums will introduce Inland Revenue’s role in KiwiSaver. They will be general in nature, laying the foundation for future forums. We will:
- Provide you with an update on the status of KiwiSaver
- Outline what we are currently working on in general terms.
- Cover the key milestones that lie ahead for the KiwiSaver Programme
- Outline the principles of the partnership we will be developing with your industries.
We will also not be able to discuss the MED RFP tender process. It is important that IR preserve its independence from this process.
Future forums are aimed at would be KiwiSaver scheme providers and will discuss other areas of KiwiSaver in more depth such as the B2B (Business to business) technical requirements. We will let you know the schedule for future forums shortly so that you can send us any relevant questions on key areas that you want us to talk about.
If your organisation is interested in attending, please register by email sending contact details of attendees and which forum you would like to attend to by 5pm on July 17 (Please note: numbers will be limited to just two people per organisation). We will confirm your registration by return email.
This is an announcement from IRD, brought to you - as part of our public service! by