Kiwisaver tables
KiwiSaver indicative balances
4% Contribution |
Annual gross income |
Weekly Contribution |
5 year total |
20 year total |
40 year total |
$10,000 |
$8 |
$3,300 - $3,400 |
$13,400 - $14,500 |
$40,600 - $44,700 |
$20,000 |
$15 |
$5,400 - $5,700 |
$25,400 - $26,800 |
$77,900 - $84,400 |
$30,000 |
$23 |
$7,600 - $7,900 |
$37,300 - $39,100 |
$115,200 - $124,200 |
$40,000 |
$31 |
$9,800 - $10,100 |
$49,200 - $51,400 |
$152,500 - $163,900 |
$50,000 |
$38 |
$12,000 - $12,300 |
$61,100 - $63,700 |
$189,800 - $203,600 |
$60,000 |
$46 |
$14,200 - $14,500 |
$73,100 - $76,000 |
$227,000 - $243,400 |
$70,000 |
$54 |
$16,400 - $16,800 |
$85,000 - $88,300 |
$264,300 - $283,100 |
$80,000 |
$62 |
$18,600 - $19,000 |
$96,900 - $100,600 |
$301,600 - $322,800 |
$90,000 |
$69 |
$20,800 - $21,200 |
$108,900 - $112,900 |
$338,900 - $362,500 |
$100,000 |
$77 |
$23,000 - $23,400 |
$120,800 - $125,200 |
$376,200 - $402,300 |
8% Contribution |
Annual gross income |
Weekly Contribution |
5 year total |
20 year total |
40 year total |
$10,000 |
$15 |
$5,400 - $5,700 |
$25,400 - $26,800 |
$77,900 - $84,400 |
$20,000 |
$31 |
$9,800 - $10,100 |
$49,200 - $51,400 |
$152,500 - $163,900 |
$30,000 |
$46 |
$14,200 - $14,500 |
$73,100 - $76,000 |
$227,000 - $243,400 |
$40,000 |
$62 |
$18,600 - $19,000 |
$96,900 - $100,600 |
$301,600 - $322,800 |
$50,000 |
$77 |
$23,000 - $23,400 |
$120,800 - $125,200 |
$376,200 - $402,300 |
$60,000 |
$92 |
$27,400 - $27,800 |
$144,600 - $149,800 |
$450,800 - $481,700 |
$70,000 |
$108 |
$31,800 - $32,300 |
$168,500 - $174,400 |
$525,300 - $561,200 |
$80,000 |
$123 |
$36,200 - $36,700 |
$192,300 - $198,900 |
$599,900 - $640,600 |
$90,000 |
$138 |
$40,600 - $41,200 |
$216,200 - $223,500 |
$674,500 - $720,100 |
$100,000 |
$154 |
$45,000 - $45,600 |
$240,000 - $248,100 |
$749,100 - $799,600 |
These indicative balances assume that the government negotiates with providers to offer a low-fee basic product. The range reflects indicative balances if the government provides no contribution to fees (lower number) or if the government contribution covers all fees (higher number). The likely returns within this range to a saver will depend on the level of fee subsidy cap, which is yet to be determined.
This calculation is based on a 6% nominal rate of return compounding monthly and assuming 33% tax on interest. It assumes wages are static over the savings period and contributions and returns are constant. It includes the $1000 up-front government contribution. Indicative balance figures are rounded to the nearest $100.