Savings and Fund Management Summit
Conference one - The future for the savings industry in New Zealand and
Conference two - Fund management in an age of volatile international markets.
Populations in the West, New Zealand's included, are ageing. Savings have become crucial to help the individual provide for old age. For the saving industry this presents a challenge - there is an obligation as good corporate citizens to help people to save but also new business opportunities. The first day will concentrate on what these developments mean for the superannuation and savings industry.
The past three years have witnessed much volatility in international equity and bond markets. Share prices in the US, Europe and other major markets have declined for three years running. Corporate scandal and economic turbulence have reaffirmed to institutional investors that fixed income instruments are risky too. Meanwhile domestic equities and bonds have performed relatively well causing some to claim the traditional weighting of domestic and international instruments should be re-examined. In addition new asset classes and alternative investments have emerged for the institutional investor to consider.
The second day of this event concentrates on specific fund management strategies in a period of volatile markets. [MORE]