Labour slams Hobsonville move
In 2009, 100 of the 3000 homes at the development were designated to sell to lower-income buyers, under the Gateway scheme.
Only 17 were sold, 14 for less than $400,000.
The price included the cost of the section, which was between $180,000 and $200,000. The land did not have to be paid for for at least five years.
Housing minister Phil Heatley today announced up to 300 of the development’s homes would be sold for less than $400,000 another 300 under $485,000 and up to 80% for more than that. It's the first time a quota has been talked about for the development since 2009.
Auckland deputy mayor Penny Hulse said the council was working hard to ensure zoning and other regulations supported opportunities for innovation.
“The development as a whole will add a welcome supply of new homes in Auckland’s north-west. The news that the HLC has targets of 10 per cent of homes for a market price of less than $485,000 and another 10 per cent at less than $400,000 is very welcome.”
The affordable housing targets will be indexed to inflation.
Labour housing spokeswoman Annette King said it was the tepid response to the Government’s housing strategy that had prompted the move.
“Phil Heatley’s announcement of just 600 new affordable homes in one part of Auckland is underwhelming to say the least. It’s just a fraction of what’s needed. New Zealand is facing a massive housing shortage which is pushing up prices, especially in Auckland. We need a nationwide solution, not a quick-fix attempt with photo-ops for John Key in his electorate.”
She said if the Government had been serious about housing, this move would have been included in its response to the Productivity Commission report on affordability two weeks ago.
“This is a huge let down to New Zealanders, especially those trying desperately to get on the first rung of the housing ladder.”