
Law favours tenants - Waikato landlords

Saturday 3rd of September 2005
Hamilton's Win Kerry, who manages more than 100 tenancies, believes the reasoning behind the Act is wrong.

"When it came in in 1986 under the Labour Government, the philosophy was that landlords were totally exploiting the needs of tenants," he said.

"Most of the claims at the tribunal are from landlords claiming for damages and rent arrears."

People behind in rent shouldn't be given the option of paying it off at $10 a week," Mr Kerry said. "Instead they should be made to pay a lump sum."

But while the Act might be "in favour" of tenants it would only be two to three per cent of tenants who were trouble.

Waikato Property Investors Association spokeswoman Michele Coker also isn't happy with the present system.

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