More RMA reforms planned
She said: "It must be remembered that the RMA is not just about environmental protection, it is also our planning law. Instead of enabling a strong housing supply, it is slowing development where it is desperately needed."
The Government will make a number of improvements to the RMA across planning, consenting and the provision of national direction.
Some of the main changes are:
· A requirement for councils to work together to develop a single plan, covering all the rules in their area.
· A new national planning template that sets out the structure and key content all councils must follow in the development of their resource management plans.
· New fast-track consenting rules and processes to improve timeframes for simpler consents.
· Enhanced provision for natural hazard management, learning the lessons from Canterbury.
· Requirements to better engage with local iwi in making planning decisions.
Adams said: “Taken together, the changes will streamline and improve decision-making at every level."