Housing consents rise from low base
There were 1,640 new dwellings worth $238.6 million approved in June of which 244 worth $19.8 million were apartments. That compares with 1,598 dwellings worth $240.3 million approved in June last year, of which 174 worth $20.9 million were apartments.
But the number was down from the 1,856 dwellings worth $270.6 million approved in May which was the highest monthly figure since May 2000 when 2,103 dwellings worth $288.3 million were approved.
In the year ended June, there were 19,277 dwellings worth $2.83 billion were approved, down from the 24,244 worth $3.37 billion approved in the previous year. The number of apartments approved fell to 2,180 worth $189.3 million in the year ended June from 3,566 worth $306.2 million in the previous year.
Statistics New Zealand says the trend in the number of dwelling consents has been growing on average by 2% a month since December.