Loan arrears fall
Arrears on loans underlying prime residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) fell to 2.19% in November, as measured by the New Zealand Prime Standard & Poor's Mortgage Performance Index (SPIN).
Standard & Poor's surveillance analyst Sarah Raisbeck says this is the lowest level since September 2005 when 2.17% was recorded.
Arrears levels on both prime low documentation (LoDoc) loans and prime full documentation (Full Doc) loans fell, in line with the overall movement. LoDocs fell to 3.69% and Full Docs to 1.81%.
"The level of arrears on residential mortgage loans underlying New Zealand subprime RMBS also fell over November, decreasing to 12.79% in November 2006 from 13.43% in October 2006," Raisbeck said. "Given the small number of loans underlying the sub asset class, the month-to-month figures can be quite volatile."
Residential mortgage loans funded through RMBS now represented more than $1.4 billion.