NZMBA sponsors TV programme
The program called The Property Climbers will be fronted by property guru Ollie Newland and will run for eight weeks.
NZMBA chief executive Megan Salt says it's important that all NZMBA members back up the advertising campaign by co-branding with the new NZMBA logo.
One of the first of the major groups to incorporate the logo in its marketing material is Mortgage Link which Salt describes as "really stunning."
Although some in the industry, notably Mike Pero, have been lobbying for a larger NZMBA marketing budget, Salt says the first contributions have been coming in quite slowly. "It's coming in, but not fast."
Olly Newland has recently published a new book Climbing the Property Ladder. Climbing the Property Ladder shares valuable lessons he’s learned over 45 years as a property investor ... and some horror stories.
Buy your copy through the Good Returns bookstore here