Mortgage News

Strong disapproval of ban on low home deposits

Friday 24th of May 2013

Horizon said 36.6% of respondents would approve if a deposit requirement were imposed by the Reserve Bank using a new tool in order to help deal with high housing demand and prices in Auckland and Christchurch.

However, 24.4% are not sure when asked if they would approve or disapprove of minimum 20% deposits being required to secure a mortgage from a bank in New Zealand.

The Horizon Research survey finds there is majority support (50.8%) for the Reserve Bank's move to require the four largest Australian owned banks operating in New Zealand (ANZ, Westpac, BNZ and ASB) to have greater reserves to cover any default by home owners with high loan to value ratios. Only 18.3% oppose the need to have larger reserves, while 30.9% are not sure.

Opposition to the idea of requiring a 20% deposit for bank mortgages  runs in a strong seam among those aged 18 to 54 year-olds (between 42.7% and 48.8% disapprove),  and middle to higher income households.

By occupational group, disapproval is highest among labourers, agricultural and domestic workers (61.2%), teachers, nurses, police and other trained service workers (59.5%), business managers and executives (58.2%)  and homemakers not otherwise employed (54.5%).

Approval is highest among those aged 55+ and retired superannuitants (49.7% approve, 13.6% disapprove).

In comments on the impacts, if any, which higher deposit requirements may have most respondents said it would be severe. Many complained it would delay or end their intention to buy. Others complained they were not on a level playing field: that overseas buyers were borrowing at lower interest rates offshore – and bidding prices up on the New Zealand market.

Comments (3)
Jeff Royle
Restricting high LVR loans will have no impact at all on the property cycle. They are a small part of the overall picture and the main issue is lack of supply. The Government needs to address this and not play with the commercial activities of the Bank or play with the emotions of Kiwis wanting to buy their first home.
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11 years ago

Glenn Yorke
Remind the 55+ age group who approve of the ban that their children are likely to become dependents again, and the legal obligations of a guarantor !!
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11 years ago

Broker Broker
Come on Jeff, how many of your first home buyer clients borrow 80%+? A fair few I have thought or is that not your market..?
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11 years ago

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