Non-performing housing loans up, monthly mortgage arrears down; Which bank is winning the lending race
The Reserve Bank April figures show non-performing housing loans rising by $137 million to $1.9 billion. [READ ON]
Jenny Ruth digs into the latest Reserve Bank data to find how which banks are writing the most home loans. [See here]
[PROMO] Join the Strong in Six EOS Workshop for Financial Service Businesses!
Throughout this program, we will address the key challenges prevalent in your industry, delve into the concept of 'hitting the ceiling,' and provide strategies to effectively overcome these limitations, thereby facilitating the attainment of your desired success.
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and proactively position your organization for success.
Learn how to use EOS in your business to get Strong in Six and get what you want from your business! [Check out the details]