
2014: The year of social media

Wednesday 15th of January 2014

Strictly Business owner Tony Vidler says social media is likely to be one of three major trends in technology for advisers.

He expects the other two for 2014 to be an increased use of electronic underwriting and what he calls “mastering mobile”.

Social media such as blogs and social networks offer a great opportunity to prospect for new clients without taking up great time and expense, he says.

The principle is the same as traditional prospecting, Vidler says, but with bigger numbers. 

A person who traditionally would have referred an adviser to one or two people could now refer them to 100-200 via their social networks.

“Research from America shows that 90% of people don’t trust what they read in advertising.  However, more than 90% trust peer-to-peer recommendations.”

However, Advisers have been “very slow” to take up social media as tools for their businesses, Vidler says.

“The Johnny-Come-Latelys will be grappling with how to do that this year; their clients are already there.  Clients want to be talked to on the channels they are using.”

Vidler says the slow uptake by advisers is not due to demographics. The fastest-growing group on Facebook is women over 65.

“They key attribute for successful use of social media as a business medium is speed of thought.  Traditionally as a whole the industry has not been very innovative and speed of thought is the missing ingredient I think."

Industry commentator Clayton Coplestone expects to see advisers increasingly making use of technology to automate certain parts of their businesses.

Coplestone, director of Heathcote Investment Partners, says advisers need to focus on where they have a comparative advantage.

“Advisers need to figure out pretty quickly what they do well and what bits can be outsourced or automated,” he says. “It’s part of the journey I talk about for sole practitioners into being a business.  It’s a three to five-year process at best.”

Coplestone also sees changes on the way in administration, particularly in terms of platforms, where he expects to see competition coming from overseas players.

Comments (12)
Brent Sheather
Well said Darryl !! From my limited experience of the subject financial advisers propensity to use social media is inversely proportional to their skill as an adviser.
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10 years ago

Broker Broker
It's easy for these business coaches to say use social media, get an awesome website, advertise on google etc but the reality is that old school techniques is what actually works when selling insurance...unless you a spare million or two and can afford to throw money and time down a black hole...what works is activity and seeing the people...don't lose focus on that would be my advice...
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10 years ago

Tony Vidler
Naturally I respect any advisers decision to take their message to market, and generate new business opportunities in whatever method works best for them. The real point of stating "the obvious" is that it is does not appear to be all that obvious to the majority of people in financial services that there has been a fundamental shift in how consumers engage with businesses, or how consumers collect and absorb information. There also appears to be a lack of understanding throughout professional services of the need for a patient engagement process for acquiring many new customers today, and that digital methods - including social media as ONE digital method - is an excellent way of leveraging an advisers time and resources. As for Brent's comment...well, that is just another ridiculous "play the man and not the ball" jibe that is customary. It added nothing to the topic or the discussion, it is merely another slag off at anyone who doesn't happen share his view. Social media is without doubt the number one method of consumer communication on the planet today. with 90% of consumers trusting peer-to-per recommendations, and only about 14% trusting advertising or traditional marketing messages, there is a clear and present danger for those advisers who wish to work on a referral basis if they choose to ignore social media. Frankly, it is where most consumers are recommending good business experiences to their friends. That is an opportunity, or a threat, for professional services.
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10 years ago

Andy Phillipson
Well said to both of you. Most of my clients are more interested on how they are going to spend the money that I save them, rather than ways to save money (or spend less). My job is to work in the background for them, not tell them everything I know or do every second of the day. As a side thought - I am concerned about internet security, especially after recent hacking of several major media centres. Is this a risk we want to expose our clients and their information to? Bear in mind many people still don't even have decent virus protection on their computers... And the trawling for information by media centres is far more prolific than many people realise. People seem very concerned about the NSA powers and GCSB, but are quite happy to put every bit of information about them and their family on Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Myspace, and every other bit of social media. These links also come back to you... Just saying.
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10 years ago

Agree with Kevin. I'm still using old school technique - referrals and people I meet face to face. One thing that has not been brought up (I stand corrected) is qualifying your prospects, and this is very difficult using modern technology to sell insurance unless you are talking about consumables. I must admit that I'm not a prolific producer, but I do qualify my prospects first. And my gut feel says there could be trouble ahead, I give this chap a miss. You may or may not agree with me, but we as professionals must learn to reject clients, I mean the troublesome ones. To me, that is part of our business risk management.
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10 years ago

Graeme Tee
Too true w k, a few people cause most of the problems. Sure people use social media to communicate their good ( or bad experiences) to their "friends on facebook" or whatever. Surely if an advisor does a good job and people tell their friends, that is a good old fashioned referral, is it not? If an advisor thinks they can advertise their services by participating in social networking than is simple self promotion, is it not? I think consumers ( to use VT's term ) would see through that and appears the majority of comments here also support that notion.
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10 years ago

Brent Sheather
Absolutely wk. We need to be very careful taking on new clients and those clients you get via social media are more likely to be trolls. In fact a strategy of no new clients is my resolution for 2014.
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10 years ago

Tony Vidler
I think that the last two correspondents both make excellent points. Well said gents. Security and privacy are legitimate concerns when using digital, as is the perpetual legacy of anything said online staying online forever, one way or another. For what it is worth, I am wont to repeat that "word of mouth marketing is where it is at". This is especially true in New Zealand I believe, perhaps moreso than many other western nations. Digital can enhance the word of mouth opportunities, which is why I give it the credence I do. Having said that, I agree that not all clients are good clients and that good qualification of prospective clients (including rejecting some potential customers) is a very smart business move.
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10 years ago

Broker Broker
No disrespect to Tony intended, I just feel there's a lot of distraction and 'noise' around how to market ones services via online and social media. Our competitive advantage over the likes of trade me/life direct is the personalised service and advice we offer at the coal face...if we hide behind a computer we don't get the sales...well I don't anyway!
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10 years ago

If I may, side track from this topic and get some feedback from advisers. What if we get clients to answer these questions on our appointment letter: 1. Names of advisers you have dealt with. (new adviser can then cross reference with previous advisers and decide to take the client or not) 2. Has any adviser/s declined or terminated their service/s to you, if yes, please elaborate. Then, perhaps, put a warning after the questions that if these questions are not answered truthfully, it may affect the outcome of any complaints against their adviser/s in the future. If the client did not answer these questions truthfully and eventually file a complaint against the adviser, can this be some form of defense for the adviser? Personally, I think these questions are important to ask, as mentioned earlier, this is part of our business risk management, and I do not think we need to spend unnecessary money on legal advice to implement this. The associations or professional bodies you guys belonged to should be helping you on such topic. I used to belong to one briefly, but nothing of this nature was ever discussed. For a while now, I do not belong to any as it was of no benefit to me. Will be good to hear from some of you. I hope this is of some help to you guys and I want to contribute something even though I'm working my way out of the industry.
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10 years ago

Russell Hutchinson
Reminder: this site is social media :-)
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10 years ago

Ray Storey
billy the broker- there's online sales, online marketing & advertising, and social media marketing. I think you have some of those confused.
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10 years ago

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