
Adviser alleges agency axed over advocacy

Wednesday 19th of January 2011

Vision Financial Management director Mike Beuvink says he intended to start business with OnePath again last month after he inactivated the agreement in February 2009 during the DYF/RIF debacle.

Initially OnePath regional sales manager Scott Rasmussen agreed and sought to organise a meeting with dates being discussed.

However, a meeting never occurred as Rasmussen emailed Beuvink saying "after investigating the circumstances of Vision Financial Management being inactivated, OnePath is not in a position to re-activate your agency in the future."

Asking for clarification, Beuvink is told in an email also copied to Jeremy Nicoll, Charlie Howe and Sam Aston, that the reason he will not have his agency reactivated is because his persistency sits at 74.61% which falls below the minimum of 85%.

Beuvink says with senior management copied into the notice of termination, an executive meeting must have been held about the issue.

He informs OnePath that by not giving him the opportunity to redress his persistency rate, it has breached its agreement in section 1, accreditation. He believes it would only have taken him two cases to return to the 85% persistency level.

He tells Rasmussen that he is prepared to build a bridge and get over the ING DYF and RIF debacle, asking why OnePath won't do the same.

Two days later Beuvink says OnePath wrote to his clients without his knowledge advising them of the termination and endeavouring to cross market. An action he believes breaches section 7 of the agreement, client ownership.

Beuvink says he can't see the gain for OnePath in their actions, as clients are approaching him after receiving the letter asking him to replace their business.

"It begs the question, will OnePath decide to cut any adviser out of the loop who doesn't toe the ANZ line going forward and cancel their agency agreement?"

A OnePath spokesperson replied to these allegations saying it does not discuss or comment on any business arrangements with individual advisers or clients through the media.

"We find it deeply concerning that an adviser has discussed his own breach of our agency agreement in this manner.

"All of our agency contracts are measured against a number of important criteria and again we do not think it's appropriate to discuss these commercial arrangements in public."



Comments (4)
Daryl McAlinden
Should One Path wish to continue to prosper within the independent intermediary market for the distribution of their products, it may be appropriate for One Path to remember that the primary relationship is between the client and the intermediary. Ignore this at your peril.
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13 years ago

Simon Rule
Reading through the fine print of agency agreements insurance companies all state that they can market to an adviser’s clients if they decide to terminate their agreement with you. Beuvink's persistency rate doesn't look flash but as we all know there are always two sides to a story. With ANZ driving the corporate whip now and knowing how shareholder profit ranks on their list of priorities I would say that service levels at OnePath will only decline going forward. Sad as Club Life and ING Life were market leaders at one stage but then this is what happens when banks are allowed to buy insurance companies. Little wonder then that Naomi Ballantyne has decided that the time is ripe for a new player to enter the market.
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13 years ago

Andy Phillipson
I am worried myself that with the total ANZ/National control that many other agencies may also be in for the axe because OnePath targets are not met! How can a broker pertain to be independent when a dollar target must be produced with one provider (specifically mortgages, however I can see risk and investments heading the same way). Shame on ANZ.
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13 years ago

Simon Rule
Andy the simple answer is they can't. Any broker who says that he or she is independent but then has to give x amount of their risk or mortgage business to one provider is clearly deluding themselves if they think they are independent. This is why advisers that go down the QFE path need to think long and hard about the implications that such a move will bring to their businesses. I’ve said it before, one of the key advantages advisers can have over the banks or insurance companies is in giving people “choice” when it comes to insurance or mortgage products. On the insurance side I wonder how many advisers out there let their clients know that there are providers now paying income protection or mortgage repayment benefits in advance as opposed to some of the older insurance companies that still make clients wait for the money and pay in arrears? I’m a relative newcomer to insurance but even I can see the importance of this feature when selecting an insurer for my client. I currently have agreements in place with 4 of the major insurers and will be looking to add another 3 to my panel this year (Naomi’s new company included) Despite some of the comments from readers on here there (usually these are people who only have one insurer or lender to offer their clients anyway) there IS such a thing as an independent adviser and those that deserve this title are very good at giving clients a range of providers to suit their individual circumstances. The day that I just sell the one product to a client is the day I go back to being called an employee. I've no doubt that ANZ over time will stuff up a good thing with OnePath and like Mike says above many advisers I'm sure will simply vote with their feet and board the "Partners Group" ferry instead.
0 0
13 years ago

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