Answers, Burning issues and Palmerston North!
Got a burning tax question you want answered quickly? Try out our new, online question and answer service.
Once you have registered for the service you can ask an unlimited number of questions relating to investments, trusts and tax and have answers emailed to you within 24 hours.
The service is run online through the tax section of the site and your questions are answered by expert lawyers and accountants.
To find out more about the service, and to see some sample questions click here.
Burning issues
Talking of burning issues, do you have a view on either keeping lowlifes in the financial planning industry or the latest Consumer article on managed funds?
These are the latest topics to come up in the discussion forum. To find out what other people are saying and to have your say on either of these follow the appropriate links below.
Article: Planning Industry Needs Lowlifes |
Article: Consumer Road Tests Managed Funds |
Discussion: Is Gareth in touch with reality...? |
Discussion: I am somewhat amazed... |
Opinion: David van Schaardenburg and Michael Chamberlain: Consumers' got it wrong again give. |
Manawatu is the place to be in 2002
The Financial Planners and Insurance Advisers Association has held its final conference, association president Paul O'Brien says.
The association's annual talkfest next year will be a convention and it will be held in the Manawatu city of Palmerston North.
O'Brien, who is co-convenor of the convention with Kathy Jarrett, says there are great facilities in Palmerston North, many of which are currently being redeveloped. (more