Consumers want qualified advice
The regulator polled New Zealanders about their experiences with financial services.
Eight in ten New Zealanders said they had at least one investment. KiwiSaver was the most common.
The FMA found that most were relatively satisfied with their financial providers and felt they were treated fairly and with respect.
The survey showed that those with an investment portfolio managed by a financial adviser had higher trust in their financial provider - at 86% - compared to 67% for those with only KiwiSaver accounts.
But only 30% of adviser clients strongly agreed that the information they were given was easy to understand. Only 35% strongly agreed that fees were explained clearly - and 3% strongly disagreed.
Only 40% strongly agreed their adviser had the skills and experience to help the first time.
Financial Advice NZ chief executive Katrina Shanks said the report was welcome. "It is essential to seek the views of Kiwis so the sector can consistently act on areas for improvement.
"Overall the report is positive, but does highlight areas for improvement such as having the right skills and expertise to assist first time, being able to explain fees clearly, and having the knowledge to help consumers understand the appropriateness of certain products.
"Advisers play an important role in these areas: they provide expert advice in their field - the first time and throughout the client relationship; and communicate often complex financial concepts in a way that ensures clients properly understand their options and choices, the detail such as fees, and what is appropriate for their needs."
She said the report highlighted the importance of improvement of skills, knowledge and competency in financial services.
"Financial Advice New Zealand has advocated for the requirement of a qualification to be obtained to provide regulated financial advice; this report bears out that necessity to lift consumer outcomes."
FMA director of strategy and risk Simone Robbers said explaining fees and whether a product was appropriate were the areas that had the biggest impact on how consumers rated providers.