International equities exposure offered with no fees
Former PM Capital chief investment officer Chris Donohoe is the joint chief executive heading up an Australian listed investment company which is the first if its kind in Australasia.
The Future Generation Global Investment company (FGG) is the first internationally-focused listed investment company with the dual objectives of providing shareholders with diversified exposure to prominent global equity funds whilst improving the lives of youth affected by mental illness, poverty, depression and social issues to name a few.
FGG will invest its capital with selected global fund managers who agree to forgo their management and performance fees. Each year these forgone fees will be donated to selected charities that operate in the youth mental health area.
Donohoe says investors gain unprecedented access to prominent global fund managers – a number of whom are closed or not accessible to retail investors – through a single ASX-listed investment vehicle. FGG charges 0.0% management fees and 0.0% performance fees. Fund managers are managing the capital entirely pro bono so that 1.0% of net assets each year can be donated to non-profits committed to young Australians affected by mental health issues.
FGG’s investment objective is to provide shareholders with long-term capital growth. By investing in companies globally, the aim is to maximise total return with a combination of capital growth and income, thus allowing fully franked dividends to be distributed to shareholders provided the company has sufficient profit reserves and franking credits available and it is within prudent business practices.
While many of the charities the company support are in Australia, Donohue says some offer their services in New Zealand. He says mental health is a major issue in New Zealand, particularly youth suicide amongst Maori and Pacific Islanders.