News Round Up
So far in the election campaign the media have focussed on many of the side issues and ignored the real ones. One of the latter, from the perspective of the financial services industry, is superannuation.
Finance Minister Michael Cullen told a Grey Power meeting in Auckland yesterday "that Superannuation is not a done deal, and it is not a dead political issue this election."
He argues that if Labour wins the election there can be some certainty around superannuation going forward. If they lose the issue will become far more uncertain.
Read what Cullen told Grey Power and what he had to say about other political parties
here.New mortgage fund
Property Pack Investment Management has launched a new mortgage fund which is going to be promoted to financial planners by former Challenger International business development manager Ken O’Rourke.
"This new pooled fund has a unique unit trust structure which will benefit investors by providing both competitive fixed interest rates and the opportunity to diversify across a portfolio of mortgages," O’Rourke says.
Property Pack, processes property loans in excess of $500 million annually, and is one of New Zealand’s largest broking companies.
It's move into the retail funds area is part of its strategy of becoming a "full financial services organisation," Property Pack principal Glenn Christie says.
Serious MoneyLooking for a book which outlines some of the many investment scams which are being peddled each day?
If so look no further than Serious Money by New Plymouth-based financial planner Peter Hensley.
The book, which has just been published is a series of stories written by Hensley which chronicle real life events of how people have been ripped off by scam artists.
Serious Money is a useful book on two levels. Firstly its a poignant reminder of things to look out for, secondly its reminds the reader that to succeed at anything you need to plan and work steadfastly towards your goals.
Serious Money was featured in the Sunday Star Times yesterday.
Buy your copy of Serious Money here