News Round Up: October 8
AXA brand change over
12 November is brand change over day from AXA to AMP. AMP says that the time to remove the AXA brand and or logo from all business materials, including client newsletters, fact sheets, business cards, letterheads, websites, web addresses, internal forms, promotional materials, etc.
"That is, anything that currently has AXA branding of any kind, including building signage."
Also AMP is planning an external brand campaign starting on October 14.
TNP pays members $200K dividend
TNP has paid out just over $200,000 in dividends to its shareholders.
It has paid the 2011 dividend to all of The NP Equity Group shareholders. Managing director Jeff Page says that it has now issued our qualifying members with shares for 2009, 2010 and 2011 and paid dividends for those respective years.
“There is no other advisory group in New Zealand that has given shares to its members and made a dividend payment on those shares,” he says.
Page says the payments are realisation of what he set out to do when TNP was established in 2007.
That is to “include every member in the success we would have from growing and building a professional dealer group that worked to add value to its members.”
TNP has also just completed its our annual strategic planning meeting which includes setting plans and goals for the next five years. These include the continued growth of TNP and plans to put into place a development and support structure for its members that will add of value to members’ businesses.
IFA changes mentoring rules
The Institute of Financial Advises is making changes to the current Mentoring programme to meet its international obligations.
The changes also improve the availability and timeliness of member’s progress toward both general membership and its CFP and CLU marks.
The changes include changing the current two years mentoring to one year of supervision.
Members who are part way through mentoring may opt to change over to the new model should it suit them better.
For experienced practitioners (more than 3 years practicing) there will be an alternate route, that of a Portfolio of Evidence which will cover off on all of the same areas as Supervision but will require candidates to provide adequate evidence to meet the assessment requirements.
“The benefits here are that if you are an experienced practitioner, you may be able to simply show your competence by this means in a far shorter period of time which is basically determined by you.”
The evidence provided will need to be real cases dealt with in the past three years.