Outage ousts FSPR from web
The MED said the outage occurred Saturday during preparation work to upgrade the servers hosting a number of its websites.
In a statement the MED said the websites would be unavailable until "at least" 12pm on Wednesday, September 28.
It said the FSPR has been suspended pursuant to section 25 of the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 and that deadlines for registrations, annual confirmations and requests for authority had been extended by five working days from restoration of services.
"We're expecting our websites to be back up on Wednesday so any applications that have been started the day before today, and are currently processing, we're going to add another five working days to that from Wednesday," said an MED spokesman.
"We're not saying it will take five days, but we're just adding that on there to cover in case anything takes a little while longer."
As well as the FSPR website the outage has also affected the websites for the Companies Office, Consumer Affairs, Insolvency and Trustee Services, MED Government to Business Services, the Motor Vehicle Traders Register and the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).