PAA/NZMBA joint board creation in final stages
That's the view of Knax Consulting director and joint board independent member Angus Dale-Jones.
Dale-Jones said it was too soon at present to name the rest of the joint board, though he did say they were in the final stages of "working out who is on that board and what the roles are."
He said that since the announcement that the two professional bodies planned to work more closely - and create a joint board - they had been "sounding out members, doing the initial background to look at feasibility and looking at how a board might be structured."
He said consulting with members of both bodies was one of the priorities, though the board may make a formal announcement ahead of finishing the consultation process in the event of a significant development, such as a new Government policy.
"I think the big thing is to try and work out how the bringing together of these two bodies can benefit members and through members, consumers, in producing better professional services," Dale-Jones said.
"It's also not something to be dictated on people, it's sounding people out and getting people's ideas and understanding what people want from their professional associations, so that process is still in train."
He said between the two bodies there were approximately 1,000 to 1,200 members.
"The feedback I'm getting is there is really strong support, people like the idea of the two bodies working together."
Dale-Jones also said the opportunity for two bodies to speak with a single voice would make it easier to lobby Government in future.
"It makes it easier for both industry and for Government if there is consensus in industry's position. The fewer the number of voices, the more persuasive those voices will be."