Proposed FAA changes not a great shock: Goldsmith
Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith told the Financial Markets Law conference this week that the paper will outline proposals for changes to the act.
He hopes to introduce a bill to Parliament early next year and have the changes passed before the general election later that year.
He says the current act made "some improvements but wasn’t perfect" and it was "expensive and confusing for consumers in terms of who is what and it is not consistent around disclosure requirements and is not enabling for roboadvice.”
While he isn't giving away what changes are being proposed the "new landscape won't be a great shock."
The revised act will be "more consistent around disclosure, more simple more enabling of conversations and new technology.
He described the review as a "slow, careful process." Once the paper is approved by Cabinet an exposure draft of the the law will be developed which may may "flush out a few more kinks or complications."
After that the new bill will be introduced to Parliament early next year and hopefully passed later in the year.
Goldsmith said the new FAA should be "better, more efficient and enables more New Zealanders to get access to useful financial advice."