[The Wrap] What it it will cost you to be licensed revealed
Parliament sat for the last day of the year yesterday, and the FSLAB bill remains unpassed. It continues to linger at number 20 on the Order Paper.
The earliest it can be passed into law is February next year. Parliament's first sitting day is February 12.
That doesn't mean there is nothing happening on the regulation front. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment yesterday released a discussion document outlining how much advisers will have to pay to be licensed under the new regime.
You can find out what it will cost you here, plus download the discussion document.
In the paper there is some analysis, or estimates, of how many advisers there will be, and how many Financial Advice Providers (FAPs). The latter number is quite large and you do have to wonder how the Financial Markets Authority is going to manage such a big population.
My guess is many advisers will start off with their own FAPs, but over time they will be encouraged, one way or another, to become part of a bigger group.
It certainly is going to be interesting over the next few years to see how the shape of the advice profession changes.
The more things change the more they stay the same
This week we have had a good old ding-dong battle in the comments section of Good Returns between the active advocates and passive protagonists. Who won? I'll let you decide.
You can read the comments here.