Working group raises FSLAB worries
FSLAB is being considered by select committee. Submissions on the new bill were open until the end of last week.
The code working group, tasked with devising the code that will apply to all advisers under the new rules, was one submitter.
It highlighted concerns about the exemption in FSLAB for financial advice that is provided by specified occupations, such as lawyers and accountants, in the ordinary course of business.
The group said because there was no "bright-line" test, the boundaries of what was acceptable under the exclusion were blurred.
"Writing or reviewing an investment plan for a family trust requires specialised competence, knowledge and skills. Yet it might be claimed that this activity is part of the ordinary business of a lawyer who advises on trusts and estate planning.
"Our concern is that this lack of certainty has the potential to undermine consumer protection – the consumer continues to be a 'retail client”' receiving 'financial advice' but the financial advice is not regulated to the standards of the code."
The submission said the group understood there was little monitoring of the delineation between the advice in those exempt situations and regulated financial advice.
"Consumer protection laws that are impractical or difficult to enforce are ineffective and could result in harmful outcomes for consumers. We have received feedback that some exempted persons do not have the requisite competence, knowledge and skills to provide suitable advice even where that is in the ordinary course of the relevant occupation or business.
"We recognise that in these cases the relevant occupational supervisory regime will have jurisdiction. However, that relies on a complaint first being made and will, almost always be after any harm has been done. Furthermore, the level of competence, knowledge and skill expected by each of the different occupational supervisors could be materially lower than that in the code."
Other changes the working group suggested included making it clearer that minimum standards of professional conduct could apply to entities as well as human advisers, expanding the definition of financial advice products and redefining "financial advice" to include advice in connection with things such as switching KiwiSaver funds and the design of a financial plan that was not investment.
"We note that a variation of the terms of a financial advice product is deemed to be a financial advice product. However, the exercise of an existing right under the terms of a financial advice product arguably is not a variation. Financial advice in connection with switching KiwiSaver investment funds is one of the most common and important advice situations. We think it is important that the new financial advice regime unambiguously applies to that advice."