Advisers question turnover
Over the course of consultation over the Financial Advisers Act review, advisers say they have dealt with a number of different people, and every consultation meeting seems to turn up new ones.
One adviser, who did not want to be named, said he had serious concerns about the rate of staff turnover.
James Campbell, believed to be responsible for writing much of the issues paper for the review, has gone to Melbourne. Senior policy adviser Daniel Twaddle, who was regarded as having a good grasp of advisers’ concerns, has also left the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
MBIE senior policy analyst Abbe Marks has been at many of the recent meetings. Her previous speciality was regions and cities policy.
An MBIE spokeswoman said advisers could contact manager of corporate law Iain Southall or the review team at if they had any feedback they wanted to offer.